Can websites access your phone camera without permission?
I'm worried about my privacy when browsing the internet on my phone. I want to know if it's possible for websites to access my phone's camera without my explicit permission.

Can you use pictures from the internet without permission?
I'm wondering if it's okay to use images I find on the internet without seeking permission from the original creators or owners. Is it legal to do so or could it lead to any copyright issues?

Can money be withdrawn from your account without permission?
I'm concerned about the security of my bank account. Specifically, I want to know if it's possible for someone to withdraw money from my account without my permission. Could this happen and what should I do to prevent it?

Can apps spy on you without permission?
I'm concerned about my privacy when using apps on my smartphone. I want to know if it's possible for apps to spy on me or collect my personal information without my explicit permission.

Can the news use your name without permission?
Could you please clarify, are you asking if news outlets are legally allowed to publish your name without your explicit permission, especially in the context of discussing cryptocurrency and finance? If so, the answer is not straightforward as it depends on various factors, such as whether you are a public figure, the nature of the information being reported, and whether the outlet is exercising its right to freedom of speech or reporting under the law. However, if you are not a public figure and the information is sensitive or personal, you may have legal recourse to request that your name be removed or to seek damages for unauthorized use. It's important to consult with a legal professional for specific guidance on your situation.